Cover in Catalan of Miquel Surname


Cover in Catalan of Miquel surname (Michaels). In this page, after describing its origin and the patronymic surnames, we explain the etymology of the first name from which Miquel surname comes (equivalent to Michaels) and the history of the archangel that gave rise to it. In latter pages, we talk about the veneration for Saint Michael in the ancient Catalonia, the monasteries and villages caused by it, the surname spread, etc.



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The music of this page, whose lyric in Catalan you can see at the end, is a "villancico"

for 4 voices by Mateu Fletxa the Elder (Prades, Tarragona, 1481-Poblet, ibidem,

1553): Que farem del pobre Joan (What shall we do whith the poor John?)


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Hit Counter visitors from 21/5/2004


Que farem del pobre Joan.
Sa muller se n'es anada
Lloat sia Deu

¿A hont la n'irem a sercar?

A l'hostal de sa vehina
¡Lloat sia Deu!

Y digau, lo meu vehi,
ma muller, si l'haveu vista
¡Lloat sia Deu!

Per ma fe, lo meu vehi,
tres jorns ha que no l'he vista
¡Lloat sia Deu!

Esta nit ab mi sopà.
Y en tant s'es transfigurada
¡Lloat sia Deu!

Ella se'n tornà a son hostal,
trobà sos infants que ploren
¡Lloat sia Deu!

No ploreu, los meus infants,
¡Oh, mala dona reprovada!
¡Lloat sia Deu!