Provincial distribution of the De Haro phone subscribers. Year 2000. We have took into account their first and second surnames (in Spain people use two surnames: the first one is the father's first surname and the second one is the mother's first maiden name). De Haro surname is in almost all Spain, but apart from Barcelona and Madrid (provinces with a large recent immigration) its presence stands out, certainly since ancient times, in Murcia, Eastern Andalusia, and the south of Valencia and La Mancha. This distribution makes us create the hypothesis that perhaps not all the De Haro lineages come from the homonymous city of the autonomous region of La Rioja, in Northern Spain (as it was thought up till now), but some of them, maybe a lot of them, could originate in the South of Cuenca (La Mancha), where there was a village called Haro. This second entity, whose castle still exists, was founded by the Lord of Biscay, Diego López de Haro, after the victory of Las Navas de Tolosa (Jaén, 1212).
The music of this page, Pieza instrumental III, is attributed to Ambrosio Cotes (Villena, Alicante, 1550/1555-Seville, 1603). Cotes was choirmaster at Santiago Church of Villena, the King's Choir of Granada and the Cathedrals of Valencia and Seville. © 2002-2004 Spanish Surnames. All rights reserved